How else's God supposed to write?

Follow the exciting adventures of a mad Laura in I*N*D*I*A

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It is crazy how easy it can be for airlines companies to provide its customers with good and healthy food. Take a look at what they serve on Indian Airlines: a veg meal with a small salad and yoghurt. That's all that easy!! Mmmmmhh. Ban Air France and co!

It is crazy how easy it is to forget where you are, where you come from or where you are heading to whenever you are in an aircraft. Bouhh. In a couple of minutes I had forgotten I was in India... only to be reminded it when I reached the heat of Dehli.


  • At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, Laura, but despite the fact that France is reknowned for its gastronomie, the food on AirFrance has always been very bad...just once, take Air Mauritius: the meals are just excellent!!! Prepared by one of our most famous hotels... really nice: Mauritius is waiting for you! ;-)


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