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Follow the exciting adventures of a mad Laura in I*N*D*I*A

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Hey guys. I left Dehli on the 11th to head for an 11 days trip in Rajasthan, the land of the kings, where the heart of India is. Everyone recommended it to me with no exception saying I am going to love it. Well, guess what: I am hating it so much that I am nearly at the end of my trip after only 5 days. Plus, I am very sick and it is too hot. The pics are not gonna be awesome as there is nothing to see over there. My first stop was at Manawa -- nothing to see...


  • At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Laura... still the same: you cannot be like everyone esle, you do not love what everybody else does, but I guess this is why we all like you so much: you're not afraid not to be like everybody else and to say what you really think. That's cool!

  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger lorarex said…

    tu l as dit Misha. lol. Cela dit, je pense que mon jugement a ete hate par la chaleur et la maladie. La je suis a Jaipur et tout va bien mieux. En attendant je ne change pas d avis: je ne le referai pas (ce voyage au coeur du Rajasthan) et j'ai hate d etre a Goa ou il ne fait pas 39 degres comme ici mais 29... Bisous Misha et a tres bientot pour de nlles news d Inde!!

  • At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well.. I am also not surprised. But I guess it has more to do with you not being able to appreciatebeauty rather than for lack of it. Rajasthan is wonderful,colorful, beautiful and very charming... but not for those who are looking for materialistic charms or to be pampered by burning money. The beauty lies in the charming local simple but pleasant lifestyle, colorful festivals,cuisine, palaces, forts, desert, lakes....

    I had told you even before you left for India that it is not a destination for you. You would be better off going to Carribeans, Hawaii or any other Sun and Sand destination... Just like millions of others looking for tan, Beer and Big Mac.

  • At 6:29 PM, Blogger lorarex said…

    Well Sandeep, excuse me if I can not see any beauty in filthy streets, traffic pollution, begging children and dying animals. Rajasthan is about simple things right but living in that area does not represent any "pleasant lifetime" for me. Should I remind you that Rajasthan is one of the Indian states that are lagging most behind in terms of economic and social progress. OK you have forts, lakes and the desert. For what I have travelled, I can tell you that I have seen lakes, deserts and forts 100 times more beautiful and meaningful than what I have seen in Rajasthan. Do not take it personally, it is my right to say what I think about what I see, hear, smell, taste and feel and I would not recommend Rajasthan. Let people have their view on things!! Plus, if I was like everybody, as you say, I would have been amazed by this region and that is not the case. That does not make me materialistic and not beauty aware for that matter, though of course, I would rather have exchanged it against one week holiday in Hawaii! ;)

  • At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Agreed that you are free to have your opinions and to voice them too, but so am I to counter those. Why do you get so charged up with that? I have seen more beautiful towers than Eiffel (magnified version of any other electricity tower btw.) and so have seen more beautiful buildings than Sacre Coer (sorry for my spelling.. I am not used to so many vowels together ;).. but will that make it 'nothing to see in paris' as you said... No.. because there is something about those which is unique. And about your descriptions... Filthy streets - yes. But so is dog shit in Paris. polution - yes, but then thanks to France for Clemanceau (again sorry for same reason), begging children - yes, but better than aggressors of Paris, dying animals - yes, but better than dying old folks despite all the wealth.

    Problems are everywhere... Thanks for visiting btw..

  • At 11:17 PM, Blogger lorarex said…

    You are so funny Sandeep!!
    This is not a competition between France and India. France has nothing to do here. Thanks for following my blog and putting comments. I really appreciate. Please keep on checking it out. Next time can you do a comment on the pics (like on me for instance). ;) lol See you soon in Dubai.


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