How else's God supposed to write?

Follow the exciting adventures of a mad Laura in I*N*D*I*A

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Jaipur: "Rajasthan's dusky-and-dirty pink capital twinkles and clatters under the sunlight,bombarding the senses at every turn. Hilltop forts and glorious palaces indicate its royal past. Camel carts follow a stadely pace through streets jam-packed with cars, cows, rickshaws, snuffling pigs, motorcycles and death-defying pedestrians. Street children beg outside huge jewellery shops, palatial hotel and the world's only meringue-shaped cinema. Candyfloss-bright turbans blaze a trail through the streets and fluttering saris catch the eyelike butterflies."

It is better written than what I could have done... Jaipur is quite cool. It looks more like a city than the rest of Rajasthan though everything is still dirty and poor. I quite liked it. Stayed 2 days there as I loved my hotel: Pearl Palace (not a palace) where the rooftop was simply amazing and the chinese food delicious. Jaipur was my last stop in Rajasthan and I must say it finished really well. The weather was awesome: not more than 30 degrees (it rained). Jaipur is a must see: a lot of history and still a growing modern city. The building pictured is Hawa Mahal and I found it sentational!!!


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